Its not my fault. Really. I usually do 9 commercial projects a month, and maintain my online store and try to get some side projects done, but January saw over TWENTY projects occur. TWENTY!
The house is coming along very nicely, thanks to a short visit by my mom. Home isn't just where the heart is, its also where the mom has been.
And now I must get back to doing art for a Nickelodeon pitch!

OMG, if you get a show on Nickelodeon I will Tivo that thing like crazy. Nice work with the building looks very kid-like.
That graphic looks very Nickelodeon, for sure. I missed your blog. Right when I decide I'm hooked, you disappear. It's nice to hear from you again.
In the mean time, I got hooked on Matthias Ink (linked from your site)and Bent Objects (linked from his). So thanks for spreading the wealth.
I like it :D
I LURRRVE this. Me want me want.
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