I woke up at 5 yesterday for an early morning flight to Portland. After a runaround crazy few months, this is the last big thing on my "to do" list, I almost forgot I was leaving so early so I could actually RELAX and have a vacation and clear my cluttered little mind.
The flight alone let me just sit and listen to music and let thoughts roll through my mind.
The thing about ending a relationship is that in some ways you're back to where you started before, and that's not always a place you want to return to. You to have refocus on who you are, and what you want (and wanted) in the past. In some ways my coming Portland could be one of the best decisions I could have made, because I feel like I'm embracing the good parts of "what was" and "what could be."
As a city, Portland seems small, but has some oomph thanks to a giant river cleaving it in two. Everyone is nice and personable, and its just great to slow down. I'm here visiting my friend Mike, and I'd call us "Big City Boys," who could use a gear change every now and then. The only thing that's missing here is a hammock. I'm sort of obsessed with putting one on his front porch.
Tonight we meet our friends Greg and Monica, and tomorrow the Stumptown Comics Festival starts, which has sort of taken a back seat in my mind. It will be fun, and great, but I feel like I've already accomplished so much on this before even setting foot on the convention floor.