Thursday, January 3, 2008


I am terrified by Mike Huckabee's win.

I'm not really on Team Obama or Team Hillary; I'd love either of them to win. I worry about both being viable rivals. I need them to join forces like the Wonder Twins.

I just can't have a gay-hating, gun-loving, war-supporting, former Pastor in the White House.

Don't tell me to move to Canada, I already know how much of a logistical nightmare it is.


yoshi said...

Ignoring for the moment Iowa's irrelevance in the election process - Huckabee's win is a godsend (no pun intended). No matter how incompetent the democratic candidate is - Huckebee can never be elected president. I cheered when he won. He is the most unelectable leading candidate they have.

Homer said...

Yoshi is right- Huckanee would never, ever win the presidency.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Yeah, if moving to Canada were easy and I could find some amazingly warm clothes that didn't make me look bulky, I'd SO have moved to Canada already...

And I find it funny that Romney was the predicted front runner but he didn't win because the evangelicals are too close-minded to pick a Mormon...That whole situation has been quite interesting to watch...he has all these ideas that line up with theirs...but he's a Mormon, so they're all going to avoid voting for him. It's sad...

I'm a Hillary man myself...but I think maybe Obama is winning my favor back. He's all about change...and I'm all for that!

Michael said...

I do not heart Huckabees :(